Youthful younger women

I want to state an obvious fact that most men, covet and seek out younger attractive women for a relationship. Why? I really have no answer but maybe after all it’s a simple answer. As far as I am concerned I do seek company of younger women and I guess the answer is in one word biology. One reason is that for men the biological clock is different. I recollect reading somewhere that Anthony Quinn the Hollywood star had a child at 82. Not possible for a woman.

Despite some people sneering at older men and younger women in a relationship, the fact is many younger women marry older men it’s again a biological need.
Frankly as I am not a woman, I can’t write from the women’s angle. But I suppose all relationships can only take place if there is mutual attraction, and sexual desire. So at the end of the day the woman must like the man and that is the bottom line.

I make no apologies for the fact that many younger women have accepted me as a partner. Maybe its love, I can’t say. But I see nothing wrong with it. All I can say is that many younger women accept me and it’s not for money for I don’t have much.

India has the worlds largest sculpture

​India is simply glorious. Talk of anything from the Asiatic Lion to the Bengal tiger or the Himalayas, it’s all glory. it also has the worlds largest sculpture. The brave Jatayu from Ramayana has a tribute built in full glory at the exact very place it was expected to have been struck by mighty Ravana’s sword. Jatayu was trying to save Sits when Ravana was abducting her. In love? Can’t say.

At Jatayupara, near Kollam, Kerala is this world’s largest bird sculpture (although not officially inaugrated yet). Designed by sculptor Rajiv Anchal, this epic sculpture is 61m long, 46m broad and 21m tall. A must see

The Forgotten theater: American airlift to China during WWII from Assam( India)

World War II is remembered and Americans commemorate the D-Day landings and the battles in the East against the Imperial Navy. However, one theater of this #war known s the ” forgotten theater “ is not given its importance. This theater in Eastern India in the state of Assam was the base of the American airlift of supplies and war materials to the beleaguered Chinese national army fighting the Japanese. This was the sole supply line as all the sea ports were blockaded and after the capture of Burma, the famous Burma road was closed. An intrepid band of fliers from all corners of America under the command of General Joe Stillwell did America proud with around the clock airlift to China.

The airlift.

The airlift commenced in late 1942 and continued till the surrender of Japan in 1945. The Americans also constructed a number of airfields in Assam at Tezpur, Chabua, Mohanbari and Kumbhigram. C-47s of the USAF were based at these airfields. The British had also constructed a rail line right up to Dibrugarh that connected this forward city to Karachi and Bombay and supplies came by rail to this rail head. They were manually transported to the C-47’s which then took off for China, flying over the lofty Himalayas. The American fliers kept alive the air bridge over the Himalayas and the lofty peaks took their toll and many crashed on the mountain heights, never to be heard off again. It was daredevil flying and the aircrew demonstrated tremendous courage in the face of adversity. Flying over the Himalayas was taxing indeed, with these piston engine planes, but in China, there was always the danger of AA fire and attacks by Japanese fighters.Yet the aircrew stuck to their tasks.

The finale.

The ‘forgotten theater’ needs to be remembered more and the bravery of the crew that flew over the Himalayas acknowledged. In hindsight,one can see that it was this airlift that gave sustenance to the Chinese National army to fight on against theJapanese. They served a very significant purpose in the war. Bravery needs to be remembered and the tens of aircrew that perished on the snow-clad peaks of theHimalayas given their due. With the month of May just past, the time when Japan surrendered, these pilots must be remembered

Rapes of girls endemic to Brazil

Brazil is besieged by crimes against women, with rape at the top of the list.


Brazil is the largest country in South America with 27 states. For many years, the Brazilian economy has not been doing too well. Matters are compounded by widespread corruption. The poverty line is expanding, and one gets the feeling that the Brazilian people are frustrated. Perhaps this is one reason that Brazil is enveloped by an endemic problem of crimes against women, some of whom are just young teens. Topping this list is rape. It’s a sobering thought that Brazil has the second largest rape count in the world. The nation that comes first is the United States. Now, the USA is an affluent nation. Here the analogy of poverty and rape do not seem to go together.

Crime in Brazil

Brazil’s 27 provinces do not maintain any figures of rape. In addition, many rapes are not reported. Crimes are rampant and many rapes are committed by youngsters. There was the case of a 16-year-old lad who was under the influence of cocaine and he raped a woman in a moving bus with a weapon in his hand. As per Brazilian law the boy would get away with a 3-year term in a correction home as he is a minor. The recent rape of a 16-year-old girl is an example of a sense of frustration among the young. This rape has galvanized the people, but tens of rape cases are just swept under the rug. The conviction rate of rapists is abysmally low. One is also reminded of the rape of an American student in a moving bus by 2 men who also shackled the boyfriend of the girl and made him watch as they carried out their act.

Curtailing rape

Rape is a crime that is in the statute books of all nations. Punishments are also clearly defined. Brazil is second on the list of most rapes, followed by India. The pride of place goes to the USA. Rape can never be stamped out, but committing rape can be made a costly proposition if deterrent punishment is meted out. In many cases, the police adopt a negative attitude. In Brazil, rape and crimes against women are endemic and a herculean effort will be needed to bring down the crime rate. The rape of the 16-year-old teen that has agitated the people and may well be the catalyst to bring change. 

Britain builds 2 Aircraft Carriers to enhance its Global reach

For close to 200 years the Royal Navy ruled the oceans and it was entirely due to British naval power that the adage ‘the sun never sets on the British empire‘ was coined. The Second World #war and a pyrrhic victory over Hitler’s Germany coupled with the loss of colonies reduced the UK to a fifth rate power, content to ride piggyback on uncle Sam. Six decades down the line, with an uncertain future with the EU and having far-flung possessions like St. Helena, Gibraltar, and Falklands  the British think-tank has decided to commission two of the biggest aircraft carriers in the Royal Navy.

The new carriers.

Two extra large Queen Elizabeth class carriers will be commissioned by 2020. These carriers will displace nearly 65,000 tons DWT and will have state of art technology and aircraft. Though considered large they will not be as big as the Nimitz class of aircraft carriers in service with the US navy which displaces 100,000 tons DWT.  A significant change from other modern carriers is that these will not use nuclear propulsion. In place of nuclear power, the carriers will use giant electrical motors which will be powered by Rolls-Royce MT30 gas turbines with 4 diesel generators that will give the carriers an operating range of 10,000 miles. Doing away with nuclear power is the real revolutionary step and will make the carriers safer to operate. The

A significant change from other modern carriers is that these will not use nuclear propulsion. In place of nuclear power, the carriers will use giant electrical motors which will be powered by Rolls-Royce MT30 gas turbines with 4 diesel generators that will give the carriers an operating range of 10,000 miles. Doing away with nuclear power is the real revolutionary step and will make the carriers safer to operate. The carriers will give an edge to aerial combat as it will be able to launch 24 first line fighters within 15 minutes.

Can Britain get back its lost glory?

The carriers will certainly add to British naval power, but one cannot visualize the Royal Navy matching the erstwhile British navy that ruled the 7 seas. One reason for this is that Britain no longer has bases outside the UK and operation of these aircraft carriers far away from home is fraught with risk. One cannot visualize the UK fighting a war, say, in the Indian ocean or South Atlantic on its own. In that case, this heavy expenditure on these behemoths may not be in the best interest of the economy of a small nation like the United Kingdom.

Elephant on Indian roads

The elephant is a loved beast; friendly and affable. India abounds in them. Come to think of it , juts a century back there were perhaps 300,000 of them . Though whittled down they are still aplenty.It’ss a common site to see them roaming around in the villages and yes, in the towns and cities as well.

Here is one floating around the Indore city.

Hindu Sena Supports Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a much-maligned man outside the USA. The Muslim world is wary of him and Pakistan is aghast that Donald Trump may become president. Even in the USA his opponents take no respite in attacking his policies as regressive and divisive. Donald has however picked up the support of all places in India among the Hindu population. A splinter militant Hindu group called the Hindu Sena feels that a Trump victory will go a long way in combating an aggressive and militant Islam. The background to this is the Hindu-Muslim conflict that has gone on for almost 1000 years.

Hindu Sena
The Hindu Sena was formed in 2011, with the aim of giving a cover to Hindu militancy against Islam. Hinduism is the main religion of India, but it is feeling increasingly hemmed in by terrorist activity by Muslim groups like the Jaish-e -Mohammed and the JKLF, not forgetting the ISI which is trying to recruit Indian Muslims to man its suicide squads.The founder of the Hindu Sena, Vishnu Gupta feels that Trump is the best man to combat Muslim terror. His remarks regarding disallowing Muslims to enter the USA as well as strict action against Muslim terror groups has appealed to the Hindu Sena.
Prayers for Donald.
The Hindu Sena expressed its solidarity last week with a prayer meeting for the victory of Donald Trump. The meeting was conducted at Jantar Mantar, which is close to Connaught Place in New Delhi. It was well attended. The holy flame was lit and ghee( clarified butter) was poured on the flame to the chanting of religious hymns. A photo of Donald Trump with a tilak( mark of reverence on forehead) was placed at the center as prayers were chanted for the victory of Donald Trump. The entire event lasted over an hour and after that Vishnu Gupta addressed the press. It must be mentioned that the Hindu Sena has been in the forefront of many attacks on individuals who it perceives are against India and Hinduism. Some time back a Kashmir MLA who had held a beef party had his face blackened by Sena activists. Gupta in his press conference felt Donald Trump is the right man to lead the USA as he will bring order in the world as well as combat Muslim terrorist groups. This was the reason he and the Sena had organized the prayer meeting.


Fertlizing the European woman for the Arab Harem

The great exodus and the Muslim Imams call to Fertilize European women

Europe is besieged by a great exodus from the Muslim lands from the arc of the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle East  and even as far as Pakistan. This is mass migration and follows the famous pull and push theory. Such migrations have taken place throughout history. However, this migration is different as Europe has a shortage of labor and the Islamic followers are looking for a better life away from their war-ravaged lands. An initial lot of migrants were welcomed by the European powers. The motive was selfish as the European nations were in need of labor to service their menial jobs.

Exhortations of the Imams.

The reason for this shortage of labor is the low birthrate of the European women, which means a declining younger population. They were soon at their wits end as they were flummoxed by the magnitude of the exodus. and had to down shutters.The exodus was also given a religious twist and this appealed to younger Muslim men.The Imam of the Al Aksa mosque in Jerusalem broadcast in his sermons the need of the Muslim men to fertilize the European women as the Christians had failed to do so. He pointed to the low birth rate of the European women and exhorted his followers to spread Islam by fertilizing them. Many Muslim felt this was an excellent method to spread Islam. In any case, the Koran looks favorably on migration as a means to spread Islam.

Women in Islam.

Islam is an insular religion that has global appeal. Many Muslims have been taken in by this rhetoric and felt European women are an easy game. This came to the fore in Germany, where on New Year eve many German women were assaulted. Basically, it’s a clash of cultures as in Islam women are subservient to men and Muslim personal Law as codified in the Sharia gives hardly any rights to women. In addition, for centuries, the Arab Sheiks have always coveted pure blonde European women, particularly from the Slav countries, for their harems. This was the genesis of the white slave trade, carried on by the Berbers and others. The problem has no easy solution as Europe  does need cheap labor and cannot turn away all the migrants. How will they strike the middle line i.e balance the migrants with the needs of labor

A bizarre piece of news has emanated from Pakistan. In real terms, it makes sad reading as this incident brings out the mindset of the ruling dispensation in Pakistan and their hatred for India. A young man of 22 was a great fan of the Indian cricket star Virat Kohli. All are aware that Kohli is the leading batsman in the world as on date and his feats have won him admirers and fans. This young man was also a fan of Kohli and admired him very much.

To show his appreciation, this Pakistani hoisted the Indian flag from the roof of his house. He was unaware that this act would land him in jail. Some neighbors reported the hoisting of the Indian flag to the Police. They appeared on the scene and immediately arrested the man. In a swift trial lasting just 3 days, the young man was sentenced to a prison term of 10 years.

This jail term for an innocent act brings out the perverted mindset of the ruling establishment which is really the Pakistan army. One has not heard of a man hoisting a flag of another country being awarded 10 years in jail. Unfortunately, for the young man and Pakistan, it happened. This jail term of 10 years for an innocent prank is hard to reconcile with the fact that many known terrorists who masterminded murders and killings in India are allowed to roam free in Pakistan. This includes leaders from the Jaish e Mohammed, who master minded the Pathankot attack