Britain​ builds 2 New Super Heavy Aircraft Carriers

For close to 200 years the Royal Navy ruled the oceans and it was entirely due to British naval power that the adage ‘the sun never sets on the British empire‘ was coined. The Second World #war and a pyrrhic victory over Hitler’s Germany coupled with the loss of colonies reduced the UK to a fifth rate power, content to ride piggyback on uncle Sam. Six decades down the line, with an uncertain future with the EU and having far-flung possessions like St. Helena, Gibraltar, and Falklands  the British think-tank has decided to commission two of the biggest aircraft carriers in the Royal Navy.

The new carriers.

Two extra large Queen Elizabeth class carriers will be commissioned by 2020. These carriers will displace nearly 65,000 tons DWT and will have state of art technology and aircraft. Though considered large they will not be as big as the Nimitz class of aircraft carriers in service with the US navy which displaces 100,000 tons DWT.  A significant change from other modern carriers is that these will not use nuclear propulsion. In place of nuclear power, the carriers will use giant electrical motors which will be powered by Rolls-Royce MT30 gas turbines with 4 diesel generators that will give the carriers an operating range of 10,000 miles. Doing away with nuclear power is the real revolutionary step and will make the carriers safer to operate. The carriers will give an edge to aerial combat as it will be able to launch 24 first line fighters within 15 minutes.

 Can Britain get back its lost glory

The carriers will certainly add to British naval power, but one cannot visualize the Royal Navy matching the erstwhile British navy that ruled the 7 seas. One reason for this is that Britain no longer has bases outside the UK and operation of these aircraft carriers far away from home is fraught with risk. In any case, they will  only be able to operate at great distances from the homeland as an adjunct to the US Navy. One cannot visualize the UK fighting a war, say, in the Indian ocean or South Atlantic on its own. In that case, this heavy expenditure on these behemoths may not be in the best interest of the economy of a small nation like the United Kingdom. T

The Yamato was the biggest Battleship of World War II

The Yamato was the biggest battleship ever built. However, it was built at a time when the days of the battleship as an instrument of sea power had been replaced by the aircraft carrier. A lot of manpower and money were spent on the construction of the battleship, which for the record weighed 64,000 tons. The Yamato also had the heaviest long range guns.

This colossus, however, served no purpose for the Imperial Japanese fleet. Firstly it was slow and lagged behind the main armada and secondly, it was a sitting duck for enemy aircraft. The Battleship appeared after Pearl Harbor. In case the Battleship had been launched earlier there is a good chance that it could have augmented the Imperial Navy’s firepower during the assault on Pearl Harbor.

In real terms the battleship spent a most inactive war. It was hardly ever used and towards the end of the war was sunk by American sea planes, when it capsized and sank. Despite this the Yamato will always be remembered as the biggest battleship ever built. There is a museum in memory of the Yamato in Japan

As per Hindu Philosophy Sex evry day is good for Health and Mind

Sex is a word that raises the hackles of many people, yet modern science confirms in part with Hindu philosophy says about sex. The Hindu fact that deals with sex is Tantra and is as old as history.

Tantra states sex is good for both body and mind. It elevates a man to higher bliss and shows him the path to God and salvation. A man will not concentrate on one orgasm but try and achieve multiple orgasms as he prolongs the act with his partner. Its a tremendous cure for premature ejaculation.

Sex also has a direct effect on the body cardiovascular system. It tones the heart and relaxes the partners. It’s a wonderful exercise as the heart pumps in more blood. It has a range of beneficial effects on the body and checks blood pressure and diabetes. For a man it means a sense of pride and for a woman fulfillment. It’s psychological benefits by far outweigh everything else. Tantra recognized this 4000 years back. So I say sex everyday is the best thing in life. Who knows you may even learn your past 7 lives after all, rebirth and ttransmigration of the soul is the essence of Hindu philosophy.

Houthis Have Women fighters

The Houthis are a Shia group fighting the Sunni alliance led by Saudi Arabia. Unlike the iSIS, they are treating their women better. In sharp contrast to Saudi Arabia where women are not even allowed to drive, Houthi women are trained to use rifles, guns, grenades, rocket launchers and machine guns. For them, guns YES but the Burkha remains.

Buddha a Hindu?What is the Fact?

The Buddha was born in a Hindu family in North India in the state of Bihar. He was a high caste Hindu and was born in a royal household. It stands to reason that in his childhood he was taught the Hindu scriptures and the basic beliefs of Hinduism like the immortality of the soul, rebirth, transmigration of souls and following the right paths including Ahimsa were imbibed by him.

No Buddhist will deny that these principles of Hinduism form the cornerstone of Buddhist beliefs.
The Buddha thus preached nothing new and incorporated the same theories of Hinduism in his thoughts. he is also recognized in Hinduism as the 9th Avatar of Vishnu after Rama.

My Latest Novel ” ROMANCE OF THE FRONTIER”. Published by Notion Press


MG is presently a corporate advisor and “The Romance of the Frontier’ is his first novel. MG has drawn heavily from his experience in the services for this novel. He also has a strong connection with Punjab and thus has first-hand accounts from his grandfather about the tumultuous period of the partition of India which forms the backdrop of the novel.

Book available on

Tiger Temple in Thailand

Tiger temple in Thailand is raided and tigers rescued

The temple in Kanchnaburi was a tourist delight, till animal rights group who had long suspected maltreatment got into the act.

Kanchanaburi has a tiger temple dedicated to Lord Buddha. This temple which came up in 1994, had a mission to integrate wildlife with humans. The temple was initially loaned 2 Bengal tigers, but the temple authorities began a breeding program and their numbers multiplied to 137. The animals were a great tourist attraction and Americans who had never seen anything like this were simply enthralled by tame beasts.  The temple earned millions of dollars from tourists and the monks led a lavish life.

Ill-treatment of tigers

Animal rights groups were keeping a watch on the temple activities, as reports had come that the animals were ill- treated. The tigers in the temple were the Bengal tigers, who are not native to Thailand. A police raid revealed the sordid goings-on in the temple. The raid revealed the carcasses of nearly 70 tigers cubs. In addition, nearly 1000 talismans were found which were made of body parts after processing. Obviously, many tigers were killed in the making of these talismans. This was a fit case for action and the police on prodding from animal rights groups had to act.

 Removal of the tigers

The police went into action, and all the tigers were rescued and relocated. The tigers could not be set free in the jungles as firstly, they were not native tigers and secondly, the tigers were unable to hunt prey and subsist in the jungle. The monks protested, but their case was weakened by the dead carcasses and the inability to explain how the talismans were made. The temple has become like a normal Buddhist temple with 15 monks left. Despite the removal of the tiger’s many other animals like horses and bears remain.