As per Hindu Philosophy Sex evry day is good for Health and Mind

Sex is a word that raises the hackles of many people, yet modern science confirms in part with Hindu philosophy says about sex. The Hindu fact that deals with sex is Tantra and is as old as history.

Tantra states sex is good for both body and mind. It elevates a man to higher bliss and shows him the path to God and salvation. A man will not concentrate on one orgasm but try and achieve multiple orgasms as he prolongs the act with his partner. Its a tremendous cure for premature ejaculation.

Sex also has a direct effect on the body cardiovascular system. It tones the heart and relaxes the partners. It’s a wonderful exercise as the heart pumps in more blood. It has a range of beneficial effects on the body and checks blood pressure and diabetes. For a man it means a sense of pride and for a woman fulfillment. It’s psychological benefits by far outweigh everything else. Tantra recognized this 4000 years back. So I say sex everyday is the best thing in life. Who knows you may even learn your past 7 lives after all, rebirth and ttransmigration of the soul is the essence of Hindu philosophy.

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