Tiger Temple in Thailand

Tiger temple in Thailand is raided and tigers rescued

The temple in Kanchnaburi was a tourist delight, till animal rights group who had long suspected maltreatment got into the act.

Kanchanaburi has a tiger temple dedicated to Lord Buddha. This temple which came up in 1994, had a mission to integrate wildlife with humans. The temple was initially loaned 2 Bengal tigers, but the temple authorities began a breeding program and their numbers multiplied to 137. The animals were a great tourist attraction and Americans who had never seen anything like this were simply enthralled by tame beasts.  The temple earned millions of dollars from tourists and the monks led a lavish life.

Ill-treatment of tigers

Animal rights groups were keeping a watch on the temple activities, as reports had come that the animals were ill- treated. The tigers in the temple were the Bengal tigers, who are not native to Thailand. A police raid revealed the sordid goings-on in the temple. The raid revealed the carcasses of nearly 70 tigers cubs. In addition, nearly 1000 talismans were found which were made of body parts after processing. Obviously, many tigers were killed in the making of these talismans. This was a fit case for action and the police on prodding from animal rights groups had to act.

 Removal of the tigers

The police went into action, and all the tigers were rescued and relocated. The tigers could not be set free in the jungles as firstly, they were not native tigers and secondly, the tigers were unable to hunt prey and subsist in the jungle. The monks protested, but their case was weakened by the dead carcasses and the inability to explain how the talismans were made. The temple has become like a normal Buddhist temple with 15 monks left. Despite the removal of the tiger’s many other animals like horses and bears remain.