Elephant on Indian roads

The elephant is a loved beast; friendly and affable. India abounds in them. Come to think of it , juts a century back there were perhaps 300,000 of them . Though whittled down they are still aplenty.It’ss a common site to see them roaming around in the villages and yes, in the towns and cities as well.

Here is one floating around the Indore city.

Hindu Sena Supports Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a much-maligned man outside the USA. The Muslim world is wary of him and Pakistan is aghast that Donald Trump may become president. Even in the USA his opponents take no respite in attacking his policies as regressive and divisive. Donald has however picked up the support of all places in India among the Hindu population. A splinter militant Hindu group called the Hindu Sena feels that a Trump victory will go a long way in combating an aggressive and militant Islam. The background to this is the Hindu-Muslim conflict that has gone on for almost 1000 years.

Hindu Sena
The Hindu Sena was formed in 2011, with the aim of giving a cover to Hindu militancy against Islam. Hinduism is the main religion of India, but it is feeling increasingly hemmed in by terrorist activity by Muslim groups like the Jaish-e -Mohammed and the JKLF, not forgetting the ISI which is trying to recruit Indian Muslims to man its suicide squads.The founder of the Hindu Sena, Vishnu Gupta feels that Trump is the best man to combat Muslim terror. His remarks regarding disallowing Muslims to enter the USA as well as strict action against Muslim terror groups has appealed to the Hindu Sena.
Prayers for Donald.
The Hindu Sena expressed its solidarity last week with a prayer meeting for the victory of Donald Trump. The meeting was conducted at Jantar Mantar, which is close to Connaught Place in New Delhi. It was well attended. The holy flame was lit and ghee( clarified butter) was poured on the flame to the chanting of religious hymns. A photo of Donald Trump with a tilak( mark of reverence on forehead) was placed at the center as prayers were chanted for the victory of Donald Trump. The entire event lasted over an hour and after that Vishnu Gupta addressed the press. It must be mentioned that the Hindu Sena has been in the forefront of many attacks on individuals who it perceives are against India and Hinduism. Some time back a Kashmir MLA who had held a beef party had his face blackened by Sena activists. Gupta in his press conference felt Donald Trump is the right man to lead the USA as he will bring order in the world as well as combat Muslim terrorist groups. This was the reason he and the Sena had organized the prayer meeting.