Abu Dhabi is a Great Place

Abu Dhabi is a great place . In a way, it’s better than Dubai as its a lot less noisy and crowded. It has a pastoral charm and also the charm of a big city. Wonderful place with a lot of eating places and five-star hotels and bars as well.

It’s a place that has pristine roads and one can belt his car at great speeds. But, don’t over speed as there are cameras at all places and you can land a fine. Great shopping as well and lots of Philippines girls also as sales staff.  Many Nepalese girls also coming here.

Plenty of boats and Yachts, owned by  Sheikhs. Great to have a spin in one of them. Wonderful place especially in the company of a lovely girl.

The Himalayas, My Motorbike and Me

The Royal Enfield “Bullet” is my favorite motorbike. I prefer the 500cc, 4 stroke model and I find it is the slickest bike available in India. The bike is now manufactured at Chennai as the English company has folded up and sold its logo and assets to an Indian company. The Royal Enfield is now an Indian bike and exported under the old brand name.

My bike is fairly old now, but its never given any trouble. It is part and parcel of my life and I love to go on it, riding the hill roads and lanes. The bike handles the mountain roads with aplomb and even hitting a pothole at 60 MPH has no effect on me or the bike.

The bike has been used by me in the Himalayas and I have traversed the mountain roads in the Eastern Himalayas to Darjeeling and Gangtok. Many time I have driven the bike wearing my uniform and cross belt with my revolver. It gives a kick to drive so dressed and people watching me on the road side are impressed.

A greater pleasure is taking my girlfriend for a spin in the mountains and then steal furtive kisses in the thick jungles.

Recipe to Live Upto 120 Years

Most ancient Hindu sages known as Rishi’s and Yogis lived to Age of 150 or more. The great Astrologer saint Bhrigue has estimated that average lifespan of a human being is 120 years. The fact is that most human beings fall to the rigors of life much before the 120 figure. In fact, the average lifespan of the developed nations is much below this figure of 120 years. But there is no doubt that the ancient Yogis lived to ages of 200 years. Reaching this figure may look impossible, but in case the lifestyle of the Yogis is followed, there is no reason why this magical figure of 120+ cannot be achieved. The following is recommended by the ancient Gurus and Yogis.

Complete vegetarian diet

Eschew all meats of any type including fish

Eat vegetables in semi-cooked state or raw.

Eat plenty of dry fruits like almonds

Eat raw fruits

No tea or coffee

Drink cows milk

Avoid all intoxicants like tobacco and alcohol

Meditate for 4 hours every day

Do Yogic asanas for health with stress on Sir Asana ( head stand)

Wear loose clothes and live in pastoral surroundings.

Sex every day with girl much younger to you ( Even 4/5 times a week can suffice)

In case the above followed rigorously and with faith a human as per the ancients can easily live beyond 120 years. One must bear in mind that there can be no deviation from this regimen and it must be followed completely every day.


Losing Weight is Easy; More Sex is the Clue

Recently, I attended a workshop at an Ashram close to Mumbai. I spent 3 days at the Ashram and learnt quite a few things. There were many foreigners also at the ashram and all seemed to be greatly impressed by the knowledge and wisdom imparted by the head of the ashram, a man named swami Permanadan.

In one of his discourses, the swami said that weight gain and obesity is a big issue in the modern world. He advocated a revolutionary method to reduce weight and flab. What was it? The swami recommended maximum sexual unions for a reduction in weight. To say the least, I was surprised, but on deeper reflection I found the swami’s recipe quite plausible.

The Swami advocated two things:
a) Regular sex with partners who were younger in age
b) Sex to be prolonged as per the Tantra and with maximum indulgence and action.

I consulted a doctor who mentioned that sex does burn energy and the swami was thus, bang on target in his suggestion. As per him, a lot of sex will help burn energy and improve the blood circulation. It will also tone up the body and give an impetus to man to remain fit. As such exercise would be a natural corollary. Most of the audience lapped up the suggestions of the swami.

The swami also advocated diet control and eating a diet of nuts like almonds and dates with warm milk. He wanted the participants to give up all forms of meats and alcohol. The swami wished for sex with a variety of partners so that the novelty does not wear off. He was against any form of group sex.

All this does sound weird, but then the holy men of India always have out of box solutions for everything. I wonder how correct he is. I hope to try the swami’s recipe for a couple of months to see if I can reduce my weight.