Women and Wine; Omar Khayyam Extolled it

I have long wondered what is the connection between women and wine Why do they go together.

The Rubiat of Omar Khayyam clearly spells out this connection. Yes, wine and woman do go together, but the complement is not completed without a man. Man is the common denominator. This is something that flows from the scriptures, both Hindu and Muslim. In a way all credit to a woman for without her the triology of wine , man and woman cannot be completed. In fact this is accepted by most psychologists. Dr. Freud gave all this a sexual connotation. Maybe he was right, but again its something  that is tacit, but understood by all.

Omar Khayyam was a Muslim and his verses extolling the virtues of wine and women show how farsighted a man he was.
What a wonderful interpretation of human nature. Yes, I will say nature of a man.

Women and wine is a fact of life and it has been part of a man’s ethos since the beginning of time

. Has it changed now? Despite all the pro libbers, one has just to attend the cocktail circuit in Mumbai to realize the truth of what Omar Khayyam wrote. The young women on the arms of older man, with free flow of whiskey and wine are a sight that should make Bacchus, the god of wine happy.

Man had a god of wine earlier on and the reason is that wine is the elixir that lowers inhibition’s and adds to that extra sparkle with a woman for company. One has only to see the movie “Solomon and Sheba” and the orgy with wine to realize that wine and women go together. They can’t be separated. One can enjoy them both individually, but when both are added together it is almost like nirvana. It is like a heady concoction and only a poet of the caliber of Omar Khayyam can do justice with his lilting verses. Both are part of our world since the dawn of time. Wine is available easily, but a man must strive to win a woman so in the ultimate analysis a woman rules over a man and she is the winner.

Donald Trump is a Big Factor in Republican Nomination

The US election is of great interest to all people. One reason is that the presidential election in USA has a bearing on the entire world as the USA is a unipolar power and the policeman of the world. No nation can remain isolated or ignore the USA including powers that are inimical to America like China and Russia.

This year the election is of great importance as President Obama having completed 8 years as President is unable to stand for President again. This is the maximum allowed to the US President. The two parties namely the Republican and the Democrats have now to nominate one candidate for the election. This process of choosing a candidate is a long drawn out affair and takes close to a year. Both parties hold elections in all their states among the members of their party to decide on the nomination.

The Democratic Party has 2 major candidates in the fray. They are Hillary Clinton and Bernie Saunders. It so far looks a clear cut affair as Hillary, wife of ex-President Bill Clinton is ahead of Bernie, but the last word on this matter is yet not said.

The field in the Republican camp is crowded. Initially there were a dozen contenders, but after the primaries in a few states, nearly half the candidates scratched, including Jeb Bush, who was brother of George Bush. However one man who has rocked the nomination is Donald Trump. This man is a businessman, who in fact is a billionaire. However that has not detracted from his charisma as he has virtually set the campaign trail ablaze. 

Must Read “The Lustful Turk” by Anonymous as it opens an erotic world of the 19th Century


The Lustful Turk” is a lovely erotic book attributed to an anonymous writer. The book was first published anonymously in 1828 by John Benjamin Brookes and reprinted by William Dugdale( 1800-1868). Incidentally Dugdale  was a sort of revolutionary, who had the courage to publish erotic books and for this was sent to jail many time. He died when he was incarcerated at the Clerkenwell house of correction in 1868

The Plot

The story concerns two white girls who are kidnapped and incorporated into the Beys harem. They win his confidence and rise up in the hierarchy of the harem. The book is simply lovely to read and I wonder who wrote it. It is obviously written in the 19th century like “Venus in India “.

The author has followed a unique method of narration, which is through letters from the Heroine Emily Barlow to her friend Sylvia Carey. The story starts when Emily sails from England to India and her ship is captured by Moslem pirates and she is taken to Ali, the Dey of Algiers. He rapes her but awakens untold desires in her bosom.

Later Ali arranges becomes enamored of Sylvia and gets her abducted.  He follows a terrific charade as he puts her up for auction in the slave market and as per plan rescues her and wins her love. Ali now loves both girls and the descriptions are about the best I have read.

Last word

The book has explicit sexual encounters described which are simply written in flowery and beautiful language. They are not vulgar and lead to the conclusion that the Arabs really loved white European women

The book is interesting to read and I recommend to all who love reading. It can also be downloaded from the net.

The White Slave Trade: Important?

Slavery is a word well understood, but in the minds of most people it is associated with the black slave trade from Africa to America across the Atlantic. Many people are not aware that a parallel form of slavery existed in kidnapping of white men and women by North Africans and Arabs. The purpose of these captures was slavery. Another aspect of this slavery was white women (preferably virgins) to populate the harems of the Arab Sheikhs and Beys. The Arabs and the Moors were the foremost exponents of this trade as they had a penchant forfFair and golden haired white girls. This trade lasted much longer than the black slave trade and overshot it by hundreds of years.

The black trade was stopped by an act of legislation. This did not happen in the case of the white slave trade which ended only after the Arabs and Moors were militarily crushed by the European powers.

area of operation
area of operation

White Slave Trade: Nuts and Bolts

The onset of white slave trade began when the Muslim arms conquered almost the entire North Africa and Spain. It was at its zenith when the Mediterrerian Sea almost became a Muslim controlled lake with the Ottoman Empire at its zenith. Even after the defeat of the Muslims the slave trade was taken over by Muslim pirates called the Corsairs.

The Corsairs were a dare devil lot and scoured the entire Mediterrerian Sea. They also raided the coastal villages of Europe and kidnapped white girls. These girls were spirited away to the harems of the Arabs and sold at auctions where they earned a high price for the kidnapper.

White men were also kidnapped for ransom and to work as slaves. There are reports that King Richard the lion heart was also kidnapped and released when a large ransom was paid for him. As far as kidnapping of girls from the European coastal villages is concerned, the effect was one of fear and many villages shifted deeper away from the coast, to escape from the marauding Muslim pirates.

later the Muslim pirates started a preference for Slav girls who were fair and had golden hair. Raiding parties roamed the Baltic and Aegean Sea for these girls.

Magnitude of White Slavery

The magnitude of the slavery can only be estimated as no exact figures are available. Generally it is estimated that the figure would be over a million. The corsairs were the main exponents of this white slave trade and they also extracted a levy from the ships that sailed the Mediterrerian Sea. In the period after 1609 in a span of a decade almost 400 British ships were captured and the men made slaves and released only after ransom was paid. Other who could not pay languished in Arab farms as workers and slaves till death.

Later Britain paid a tribute and their ships were spared. But nations and settlements close to the sea in SE Europe and the Slav areas bore the brunt of this slavery.

Corsair pirates
Corsair pirates
Lady in Harem
Lady in Harem

Breaking the Power of Kidnappers

A fact that has now emerged is the massive kidnapping and abduction of white girls as slaves for the harems of the Arabs. This menace lasted for hundreds of years and it continued till the 19th century. In 1814 the European powers signed a convention to outlaw the attacks of the Berbers and the Ottoman Turks.

The Christian nations now asserted and the rising White power inflicted heavy defeats on the Corsairs and the Turks. This rising European power led to the demise of the white slave trade. A point worth noting is that the slave trade in white women only stopped after the defeat of the Turks and Muslims and not by any act or edict.

End of White Slavery

The white slave trade is well documented by hundreds of books and many have been written after extensive research. There is thus not an iota of doubt that the trade in white particularly white women was a fact of history. Yet not much is talked about this slave trade as the general perception is that the slave trade concerned mostly the black man. However there is a subtle difference which must be noted. The difference is that the white slave trade of white virgins was basically to populate the harems, where many white women lived comfortable tough secluded lives.

They lived in relative comfort unlike the black man who was chained and made to do hard labor and the black m woman slept with the white man without any rewards or recognition and her children were also considered black.

Attack by pirates
Attack by pirates

Last Word

This slavery though not as terrible as the black slave trade which involved racialism, was never the less reprehensible. For women and girls who were kidnaped it was a harrowing time though some were well looked after. It was however a demeaning experience to be put up for auction, where some were striped bare of all clothes. The white slave trade ended with the smashing of Muslim power in the great naval battles of the 19th century

An “Orgy” a Licentious Act. Is it Sanctified anywhere?

An Orgy is a word well known to human beings and is understood by all people and faiths. It means a wild party characterized by excessive drinking and indiscriminate sexual activity. Actually its origin can be traced to early Greek and Roman periods. That was the time it was a tribute to the God Bacchus. Orgies took many forms and consisted of Pagan dances followed by rituals of wine and nude women with men in one vast arena.


With the advent of Christians this did not die away, but the religious connotation was taken out and it was made the act of the Devil. Hinduism accepts an Orgy as the carvings of explicit images show at the temple at Khujaraho. These are the handiwork of the Chandela Rajput’s. So an orgy has been part of human life ever since the dawn of history.

During the 20th century we had Dr. Ward. So Orgies are alive and kicking.


MG Singh
Ever since I read the book by Dr Ved Prakash about the ancient Hindu  books like the Vedas and their Hebrew connection, Greek and Roman Mythology along with Hebrew tales have interested me greatly. Greek mythology is perhaps the oldest of the western philosophy and one  god who commands great attention is the Dionysus, the god of wine.

Dionysus was worshiped somewhere between 1100-1500 BC by the Greeks. He was a creation of mythology and in those days any event which was propitious or trend making was assigned a god. With the discovery of the effects of grapes and their fermentation into wine, the god  Dionysus  emerged. Nobody can tell how a myth is created, but sometimes there is an element of truth in such cases. Dionysus  the god of wine soon was worshiped and an entire set of rituals came into existence , some of which  survive to this day.

One of the rituals involved  couples  en masse getting together and singing and dancing while drinking wine made from grapes.  It was a great occasion for merriment and it was not uncommon for men and women  to pair up and head for the woods,  as the wine broke all inhibitions. It was a greatly looked forward  event and many visitors from Persia and Egypt wanted to witness  these festivals in the hope that they also would be allowed to participate.

The Romans later on also began to worship a derivative of Dionysus in the form of a god of wine  who they called Bacchus. The festival was similar, but as per Roman historians the festival normally ended in an orgy.

The myth regarding Dionysus makes interesting reading. As per the myth the king of Gods Zeus was loved by a mortal woman named Semele, who was extremely beautiful and fair. Zeus loved her immensely, but he always met her in darkness as no mortal  is supposed to see a god. Semele however insisted that she wanted to see her lover and Zeus was forced to oblige. After mating with her, Zeus one  night revealed himself to her. The sight of Zeus  naked as a god dazzled Semele and she died. Zeus was heartbroken and as Semele was with child he plucked her foetus and nurtured it, till the god Dionysus was born. He was thus the son of Zeus.

The myth has come down from that age, but the actions of the Greeks after consuming wine is about similar in the modern age. Alcohol and wine do dull the senses and throw inhibitions to the winds.

The IAF Gnat in the Karachi Museum

There is an aircraft of the Indian Air Force displayed in Pakistan. This aircraft is displayed at the Karachi Air Museum of the Pakistan Air Force. This frankly is a matter of shame for all Indians.

The plane is the pride of the museum and brings out the so called glory of the PAF. My thoughts centered on the pilot. I wondered how he could have surrendered an intact planr to Pakistan without a fight. This was an incident that happened in 1965 war.

The facts of this surrender distress all. The plane a Folland Gnat had taken off along with a flight to bomb Pak army positions, after the Indian army on express instructions from the little big man Lal Bahadur Shashtri had ordered a second front to be opened in Lahore sector. The plane was piloted by Flight Lieutenant Sikand. There are differing accounts of what happened  on that fateful day.

The pilot Sikand claims that he lost his other flight planes and came down low searching for them. As he was running out of fuel he saw an airfield. Thinking it was an Indian airfield he landed, only to be surrounded by PAF airmen. They arrested him and made him a POW.

The PAF version is different. It states that when the Indian flight entered Pak airspace , the PAF scrambled 2 , F 104 Star Fighters.  The F 104 is a Mach 2 interceptor, while the Gnat is a subsonic plane. Despite the odds, the Indians began a dog fight, but one plane piloted by Sikand broke away, perhaps to save his skin. He was pursued by a F 104 and forced to land at a disused airfield close to Lahore. Sikand and the plane were captured. Sikand to save his skin made no attempt to crash land the plane and prevent it falling into Pak hands, but preferred to surrender. Sikand spent the rest of the war as a POW.

News of the surrender and capture was broadcast by  Radio Pakistan. The Indian Chief Air Marshal Arjan Singh was stunned and promptly ordered the dismissal of Sikand and a court martial on his return. However unknown to Arjan Singh, Sikand had big political connections and relations.. They prevailed on the government  to reinstate Sikand and this was duly done. Sadly Sikand was inducted back and retired as a Air Vice Marshal.

The curtain is now closed on this chapter, but the plane remains at the Karachi Museum. A photo from wiki commons of the plane in the Museum is added above.

Therapeutic Benefit of Nude Yoga

Yoga is an Indian spiritual exercise concept that has an additional benefit of toning up the body. Basically it consists of holding poses called Asana for some length of time. The Asana have existed for thousands of years and it is only now that western scientists and scholars have appreciated the concept of Yoga. Yoga is intrinsically linked with Hinduism and generally has a twofold purpose. It tones the body but also elevates the mind to a higher plane. This part of Yoga is difficult to understand and practice and cannot be achieved without  a Yoga guru.

Swami Shraddanand was a Yogi (master of Yoga) and had his ashram at Nirmal GAO in Bassien Road. The Swami is no more but he advocated doing Yoga in the nude without any clothes. It must be understood that the nude Yoga recommended by the Swami is not part of mainstream Yoga and can only be indulged in by a man or a woman who has achieved some degree of proficiency in normal yoga. The swami died almost a decade and a half back, but his concept of Yoga in the nude is very much valid even today.

Yoga in the nude after a period of practice in solitude is to be done in a gathering with a mixed grouping of men and women. The basic aim of Yoga in the nude is to make a person aware of his or her body and raise him to a higher level that leaves sexuality behind. It is difficult and that is the reason it is recommended only for persons who have reached some level of proficiency in this field. Yoga teaches concentration and relaxation. Both essential ingredients’ for the human mind. It also tones the muscles and advanced Yogi’s can also by a mixture of celibacy and the Sir Asana (head stand) develop ESP powers. Many Swamis in India have developed these powers through yoga.Yoga in the nude is to be done only by a person who has mastered and reached a higher level of Yoga. In case a person is shy of doing nude Yoga in a gathering, than it is best to practice it alone in a bare room with only you and a mirror. The mirror is essential so that you can see yourself as created by god. Women undergoing Yoga and the men as well are advised to do naked yoga in their natural form without use of hair remover and razors.

Nude yoga is generally to be done in the morning before the sun rises. The participants under the guidance of a guru are to enter a large hall with small mats for each participant. The practitioners are to divest themselves of their robes and clothes and commence the logic session as directed by the Guru. It is generally seen that participants of Nude yoga do have very little sexual thoughts as they concentrate on reaching a higher plane. But attractions can develop which in itself is a good thing. There are to be no inhibitions and the aim is to have an awareness of the body and reap the benefits of Yoga to reach a higher spiritual plane.

Cure for Premature Ejaculation through Tantra

Premature Ejaculation and Tantra
Modern science does not have any sure shot cure for premature ejaculation and most doctors will treat it as a psychological problem. But in Hinduism there is a cure and that is through Tantra sex.
 Hinduism recognizes Tantra sex as one of the paths to salvation. A deeper study reveals that Orgasm is not the goal of Tantra sex and once a man has understood this, the rest will automatically fall in place.


Steps in Tantra Sex
 Tantra sex is a slow ritualistic sex and man must follow the tenets bravely. There is no room for tension. It will be a help in case his partner also believes in he power of Tantra.  Thus a man must try and follow the steps outlined below
b)     The second step is the art of disrobing your partner. This again is a slow process and should be followed up by a massage of the partner’s body with aromatic oils.a)     He must first  create an atmosphere for the sex act by burning incense sticks and having soft religious music in the background
c)     The man must caress the erogenous zones and build up for the next stage. In this he must remember the saying of the great sage Vatsyayana that “all parts that can be kissed and licked can also be bitten”. This needs no elucidation
d)     The act itself is the last part, but not the main object. Time is of essence as Tantra sex  requires a lot of time and it relaxes the individual. Once both partners are ready the next step can be taken without thinking of orgasm. The aim is to bring the partner to a sublime level where ejaculation itself loses meaning.
Last Word
 The last part of Tantra sex is belief in the act of Tantra sex. Unless you have the confidence in Tantra the chances that you will achieve anything are pretty slim.  Modern US doctors have also vouchsafed for it.
A word of caution, participants must remember that Tantra sex is not something that can be done alone, but needs a guru who will guide the participants through the stages of Tantra sex